Consultation with the public, licensees and interested organizations is an important part of the process the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) uses to develop many of the regulatory tools within its regulatory framework. The CNSC welcomes public input on discussion papers and draft documents, and on proposed new regulations or amendments to regulations.

Each document is made available for public comment for a specified period of time. Please note that comments submitted, including names and affiliations, are intended to be made public, in the official language in which they were received.

How do I register and provide my comments?

To participate in a discussion, you must register on the site and sign in. To register, click the "Register" link and fill out the form. As part of the registration process, you will be asked to provide a public username and some additional information to the CNSC. Note that only your username will be publicly visible. Once you click "Submit", you will receive an email confirming your registration. You will only have to register once; for subsequent visits to the site you can simply sign in to participate.

To comment on a draft regulatory document, click on the appropriate consultation on the main page and read the document on that consultation page. All comments are identified by username. Comments will be visible to other reviewers after a short delay of up to 20 minutes, to allow for moderation of comments.

Other stakeholders may review your comments, and registered stakeholders may respond (for example, by submitting a reply, or by using the “thumbs up” icon to indicate agreement with your comment). You may also review and respond to their comments within the comment stream. All registered stakeholders may continue to provide original comments.

What happens after I’ve submitted my comments?

This e-consultation software includes a forum etiquette and moderation function.

When you submit a comment, there is a short delay (maximum of 20 minutes) before it appears. This delay allows for review and moderation of comments. Most comments will appear after the content has been moderated. However, comments that breach the moderation rules will not be posted for public viewing.

After your comment appears, it will be visible for other stakeholders to review. You may see engagement with your comments by other stakeholders (for example, you may see a reply to your comment; a “thumbs up” icon indicating agreement with your comment; or further discussion within the comment stream). As with original comments, all responses are moderated.

Please note that comments are identified by username and are intended to be made public, in the official language in which they were received. Information of a personal nature, such as email addresses, phone numbers and mailing addresses, will not be made public.

You will not receive a formal reply from the CNSC to your comments on this site. However, the CNSC will disposition comments from the discussions and engagement on this site as per the usual process of dispositioning comments from public consultations.

Why can't I see my comments?

The CNSC’s new e-consultation platform offers a more user-friendly approach, allowing for digital comment submissions and better transparency through live commenting. One of the benefits of these new features is that everyone will have the opportunity to see the feedback being provided throughout our consultation process in near real time.

This e-consultation platform includes a forum etiquette and moderation function. When you submit a comment, there is a short delay (up to 20 minutes) to allow for review and moderation of comments. Most comments will appear after the content has been moderated. However, comments that breach the moderation rules will not be posted for public viewing.

Can I still submit comments by email? If I send you my comments via email, will you post them to your e-consultation platform?

Yes, if you prefer to submit comments by email, please send them to [email protected]. You may use any format to submit your comment.

Please note that comments submitted, including names and affiliations, are intended to be made public, in the official language in which they were received. Information of a personal nature, such as email addresses, phone numbers and mailing addresses, will not be made public. You will not receive a formal reply from the CNSC to your comments on this site. However, the CNSC will disposition comments from the discussions and engagement on this site by following the usual process of dispositioning comments from public consultations.

Comments submitted by email will be posted by the CNSC on the project page for the draft regulatory document.

All comments received during the consultation period (including discussions on comments, and comments submitted through email) will be consolidated into a PDF document, which will eventually be made public on the “Document History” page for that specific regulatory document on the CNSC’s website.

Where do I send feedback about this e-consultation platform?

The CNSC welcomes any comments or feedback from our stakeholders about this new e-consultation platform. To provide feedback: 

  • E-consultation: Use the “Q&A” tab, provided on every individual consultation page 
  • Email: [email protected] 
  • Fax: 613-995-5086 


Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission  
P.O. Box 1046, Station B  
280 Slater Street  
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 5S9